/************************************************************* * pages.js * * Contains all the functions for showing the different pages * of the test, and all helping functions. This is the main logic * for the test. * * Author: Willy Xiao * Adapted From: Yuechen Zhao * * Last Modified: August 2, 2013 * * * © Copyright 2013 Intelligent and Interactive Systems * Group, Harvard University. * For questions about this file and permission to use * the code, contact us at info@labinthewild.org *************************************************************/ // for php_gettext /* splash page displayed at the start of the test */ function splash() { $("#header").show(); showSlide("splash"); showNextButton(studyInfo); } /* study info and consent form, can only continue if the box is checked */ function studyInfo() { $("#header").show(); showSlide("studyinfo"); $$$("next_button").innerHTML = "
" + "You must check the box to continue." + "
"; $$$("agreeToStudy").onclick = function () { if ($$$("agreeToStudy").checked) { showNextButton(showDemographics); } else { disableKeyboard(); $$$("next_button").innerHTML = "
" + "You must check the box to continue." + "
"; } } } /* demographics page */ function showDemographics() { $("#header").hide(); showSlide("demographics"); showNextButton(submit); demographics(); } /* initial instructions for all the tests */ function init() { // disable elastic scrolling on touch if (withTouch) disableElasticScrolling(); // remove loader $$$("ajax_working").style.display = "none"; $$$("next_button").style.opacity = '1'; function startTrials() { motorLogger.startMouseLog("initialization"); nextTrial(globals.tests[0]); } // don't show the general instructions if there's only one test if(globals.tests.length > 1) { $$$("inst").innerHTML = "

General Instructions

This test consists of multiple trials, each of which will present you with a different task. At the beginning of each individual trial, you will be shown an instructions page specific to that trial.

Click next to move on to the first set of instructions.

"; showSlide("inst"); // start the first test in the array of tests showNextButton(startTrials); } else { startTrials(); } } /* for any failures */ function showFailPage() { $$$("content").style.display = "none"; window.onbeforeunload = null; $$$("error").style.display = "block"; throw new Error('Fatal Error'); } /* comments page at the end of the test */ function showCommentsPage() { $$$("progress").innerHTML = ""; $$$("heading").innerHTML = ""; $("#header").show(); if (withTouch) enableElasticScrolling(); $$$("comments").innerHTML = "

Thank you for your participation!

Before you continue to your results, please let us know what you thought of the test!
If you require our response, please include your email.

Do you have any comments for the researcher? Questions, Suggestions, or Concerns?

Did you encounter any technical difficulties or interruptions during this study?  

Did you cheat or in any way provide false information? If yes, how?  

Alternatively, you may email us at info@labinthewild.org.
" $("input[name=tech]").click( function() { if ($$$('tech_yes').checked) $$$("technical").style.display = 'block'; else $$$("technical").style.display = 'none'; }); $("input[name=cheat]").click( function() { if ($$$('cheat_yes').checked) $$$("cheating").style.display = 'block'; else $$$("cheating").style.display = 'none'; }); showSlide("comments"); showNextButton(submitComments); disableKeyboard(); } var box_msg = "You may leave this area blank."; // functions to control how the comment boxes display function onFocusBox (box) { if (box.value === box_msg) { box.value = ''; box.style.color = "#333"; } } function onBlurBox (box) { if (box.value === '') { box.value = box_msg; box.style.color = "#999"; } } var leave_blank_msg = "You may leave this area blank."; var yes_msg = "Yes"; // The main function to handle running the trials. // This calls the html for all the instructions and chain of events for each test function nextTrial(test) { var trial; // Shift the next trial's information off the front of the trials array. if (trial = test.expment.trials[test.vars.phase].shift()) { // Show instructions, wait for user response if (trial.type === "inst") { $$$("progress").innerHTML = ""; $$$("heading").innerHTML = ""; $$$("inst").innerHTML = trial.html; showSlide("inst"); showNextButton(function () {nextTrial(test)}); } else { // do a trial here - create the chain of timeouts for this memorization trial test.vars.ch = chain(test.nextTrialChain(trial)); } } else { // not completely done yet? go on to next phase! if (test.vars.phase < (test.vars.total_num_phases - 1)) { test.vars.phase++; nextTrial(test); return; } // otherwise submit the test test.submit(); /* this moves the test to the next phase */ if(test.index + 1 == globals.tests.length) { // if all the tests are done, show comments page $$$("ajax_working").style.display = 'block'; $$$("ajax_working").style.top = '85px'; $$$("probes").style.opacity = '0.3'; setTimeout( function() { $$$("ajax_working").style.display = 'none'; //Yan change this to finish() showCommentsPage(); //finish(); }, 1000); } else { nextTrial(globals.tests[test.index + 1]); // otherwise run the next trial on the next test } } } // function to submit the comments about the test to the server function submitComments() { // validate form if ($("input[name=cheat]:checked").length == 0 || $("input[name=cheat]:checked").length == 0) { alert("Please tell us whether you encountered technical difficulties or cheated."); return; } $$$("ajax_working").style.display = 'block'; $$$("ajax_working").style.top = '-85px'; $$$("comments").style.opacity = '0.3'; $$$("next_button").style.opacity = '0.3'; var technicalBool; var cheatingBool; // process the responses var general = ($$$("general").value == leave_blank_msg) ? "" : $$$("general").value; var cheating, technical; if ($$$("cheat_yes").checked) { cheatingBool = 1; cheating = ($$$("cheating").value == leave_blank_msg) ? yes_msg : $$$("cheating").value; } else cheating = ""; if ($$$("cheat_no").checked) { cheatingBool = 0; } if ($$$("tech_yes").checked) { technicalBool = 1; technical = ($$$("technical").value == leave_blank_msg) ? yes_msg : $$$("technical").value; } else technical = ""; if ($$$("tech_no").checked) { technicalBool = 0; } // AJAX request $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'includes/comments.php', data: { general: general, cheatingBool: cheatingBool, cheating: cheating, technicalBool: technicalBool, technical: technical, participant_id: globals.participant_id } }).done(function (data) { setTimeout(finish, 1000); }); } // function to finish the experiment function finish() { motorLogger.stopMouseLog(); motorLogger.sendMotorLog("includes/motor_logger.php"); // allow leaving the page window.onbeforeunload = null; // hide working and next $$$("ajax_working").style.display = 'none'; hideNextButton(); // append all results_html from each test to the end var len = globals.tests.length; $$$("results1").innerHTML += "

" + 'Let\'s see how you did!' + "

" for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){ $$$("results1").innerHTML += globals.tests[i].results_html; } // show and done! showSlide("results"); showFinalPage("#results_footer", globals.participant_id, "memory", $("meta[property='og:title']").attr('content'), $("meta[property='og:description']").attr('content'), ['newsletter', 'formality-security']); }